Newsletter July 2023

the rock of my strength and my refuge, is in God. Ps. 62:7
Dear friends,

This time I am writing from beautiful Ireland, where there is, as a friend said,:no bad weather just sometimes a bad choice of clothing for the occasion. The whirlwind of things happening is big, and with the summer holidays now, I will keep it to a resume of the most important things.
Felina and I talk most weeks, and last week she told me of an evaluation she had with our three German volunteers. They come through a government sponsored program and bless us with their time, but don’t necessarily know Jesus. All three commented that they now understood why it is necessary for our young people to meet Jesus and count on His help for their rehabilitation. They said they respect us for not forcing faith down the young people's throats. Now they are back in their own environment, may they remember this and seek the Lord for themselves too.

The second time Felina was asked to send in Mision Adulam’ s C.V. Being in Ireland I got a panic call, could I provide information, sort of: now. So this was an old-fashioned well past midnight job. But what a privilege to present ourselves, this time also to other authorities present.

In Adulam, staff told how in one of the bedrooms the three boys there have a time of prayer every evening, praying for their personal needs and supporting each other. Amazing, as in the daytime they don’t always get on, but they acknowledge their need of the Lord together. So, thank you for praying for our young people; staff and also for me – we are very blessed that you partner with us and enable the ministry through your love-gifts as well.

Please pray the Lord will give me His Word for each place.

The Lord bless and keep you, may you have a restful summer! Bye, with love,
Fineke and teams of Mision Adulam
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In Canada we are linked with Hands For Humanity, an accredited Christian charity. Donations can be made through their website, designating the gift for Mision Adulam - Fineke Janssen, or send an earmarked check to: Hands For Humanity – 218 Silvercreek Parkway N – Suite 202 – Unit 17A – Guelph ON – N1H 8E8
Deze keer schrijf ik vanuit het prachtige Ierland, waar er, zoals een vriend zei: geen slecht weer alleen soms een slechte kledingkeuze voor de gelege