Newsletter December 2023
In God is my salvation en my glory,
the rock of my strength and my refuge, is in God. Ps. 62:7
Dear friends,
In Mision Adulam we evaluated all work done in the three projects – both through the teams as well as with the help of university student interns. It was a blessing to hear the compassionate and professional way in which the teams are trying to help the teenagers and children we serve. At times the parents are the ones that don't do their part in the work with their children, or there just isn’t any family. More than half of the teenagers in rehabilitation leave with a vision for their future which is amazing! Gods grace, your prayers, the efforts of the young people and our work.

As often happens towards the end of the year, we saw a few girls graduate from the program. You may remember Ivanka who was a right hand full. But she finished well and graduated with top marks in school which gives her direct access to university. Two of the boys and two girls received special merit diplomas from the school too. The Lord opened the way for one of the girls, Hagar, and her little girl, to travel to Brasil where she'll live and work with family. We are encouraged that 12 of the girls and 7 of the boys started to walk with Jesus this year: He will continue with them where we have to let them go.
Pictures: Hagar and her daughter with Felina; At the graduation ceremony for two of our girls.

This month I also visited the high security prison with the church. A precious time was when we spoke with the ones in isolation cells. 3 to 18 men locked up to not see daylight most of the day. I’d been given a little piece of cardboard by one with his name and: "don’t forget me". Well, this day his friend Johan was there too, together they asked me to pray for them. My spirit was profoundly moved by the presence of the Lord. Later Juan David, who pastors one of the prison churches told me there is a death threat against Johan because of what he did in the past. But, Juan David said: ”he is under the protection of the Lord, that’s why he’s still alive”.
The children in Jesed, about 74, had a great time in our Jesed shop. All are children with certain learning difficulties who come for specialist help for a few hours during the week, some every day, whilst they also go to school. When achieving certain goals they get stars throughout the year, and that becomes Jesed money for our store. No parents allowed, so they choose to hearts content, often also for their siblings.

At the moment we are holding a garage sale in one of the houses, starting to clear the space for new plans we have for 2024. We are aiming to extend the work, offering specialist help to children who come from families that can afford it. Then in Jesed itself we hope to open a small daycare as there seems to be a great demand in our area, we'll see how plans go. Scary but at the same time exciting: we "so happened" to get a donation of chairs and tables, so the equipping is beginning to take shape.
Tomorrow we will celebrate the coming of the Lord Jesus to this earth with the young people in the houses. And remember in gratitude all the Lord has done. Monday we received the papers of accreditation and we are well on the way with the renewal of our NGO status. All of us in Mision Adulam wish you a very happy Christmas, such joy to know Jesus came! May the Lord guide and lead you in 2024 and bless you is my/our prayer. Thank you for being part of the ministry of Mision Adulam, we are honoured to have you walk this road with us in so many ways. Ah, the smiley face has a reason, I'll tell you about it another time.
Bye, with love and warm greetings in Jesus, Fineke and all in Mision Adulam.

To support the ministry:
Bank transfer through the Dutch account in Euro:
Accountholder Roelfina L. Janssen
Bank: ING
Acct IBAN:INGBNL2A Acct number NL05 INGB0003194140
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The book about my life and ministry: My heart is in Bolivia by Peter de Bruijne is available on Amazon Books.
Support in the USA can be receive using ZELLE, Wells Fargo bank, email
In Canada we are linked with Hands For Humanity, an accredited Christian charity. Donations can be made through their website, designating the gift for Mision Adulam - Fineke Janssen, or send an earmarked check to: Hands For Humanity – 218 Silvercreek Parkway N – Suite 202 – Unit 17A – Guelph ON – N1H 8E8
Deze keer schrijf ik vanuit het prachtige Ierland, waar er, zoals een vriend zei: geen slecht weer alleen soms een slechte kledingkeuze voor de gelege