Nieuwsbrief May 2024

the rock of my strength and my refuge, is in God.

Psalm 62:7
Dear friends,
This time a typical Dutch picture, taken at one of the places I visited this furlough. It is a blessing to meet up with churches and friends to share about all the Lord is doing - also through your involvement in prayer and through giving for the ministry of Mision Adulam.
For me personally this is a bit of a tough time too. A dear friend is now in a hospice and we said our goodbyes, knowing it is a "see you later". She is younger than me so this is rather confronting. Also, I visit another friend. She now lives in a closed facility for the elderly, being just 74 years old. We talk about times past, we met in my student years and have plenty to talk about. It made me think about the importance to really make good use of the time we have, in all areas of life.
During this furlough I sometimes get asked how long I plan to continue on. Well, the Lord hasn't spoken about this, so I carry on doing what He gave to do, though some things change. Felina is doing a great job as director of Mision Adulam, my role is to coach her and teach her things she encounters at times and finds hard.
In the work in Bolivia, but certainly also in Europe, some things are getting increasingly complicated. Last week Felina had to speak with the child protection services as they wanted to see that we in effect are legal guardians of the teenagers in rehabilitation. Fortunately we are, but that too doesn't depend on us, but on the judge's decision.
In regard to receiving the much-needed funds for the ministry, this too is getting more and more complicated. We now need to receive everything in Bolivian currency with a bad exchange rate, something we will certainly feel in our pockets.
Father knows, but I wanted to share this with you, as it is definitely an issue for prayer, and also the reality we face in Bolivia as we need to see our monthly income provided for. The Lord is faithful and looks after us, of that, we are sure.

Activity for "the day of the child" with close to 900 children from 14 schools, Miguel with his family;
Felina signing a work agreement with child protection services, (r) parents from project Jesed praying for their children.
In honour of "the day of the child" we organized a march again, this time about treating each other with respect. Several children read what they had composed about the theme. We get visits from our church, from the "Debora" ministry, these women promote prayer for children. It was precious that several parents whose children come to Jesed, were there to pray.
Oh and what a day it was, when Miguel asked the Adulam team how he could become a Christian! Since that day he is following Jesus and prays for his parents: that they would stop drinking. And of course for the brothers and sisters, he is now an example for them. René also is growing in his relationship with the Lord. Please pray for these lads and all our other young people too.
Half of my work-furlough has already flown past, it is such a joy and a blessing to share what the Lord does: through us in Bolivia, together with you. Just thought I'd share this picture from the start of this amazing journey!

Bye, may the Lord bless and keep you, Fineke and all in Mision Adulam.

To support the ministry:
Bank transfer through the Dutch account in Euro:
Accountholder Roelfina L. Janssen
Bank: ING
Acct IBAN:INGBNL2A Acct number NL05 INGB0003194140
By credit card using WhyDonate button
Our Website:
Sign on for extra prayerbullets:
The book about my life and ministry: My heart is in Bolivia by Peter de Bruijne is available on Amazon Books.
Support in the USA can be receive using ZELLE, Wells Fargo bank, email
In Canada we are linked with Hands For Humanity, an accredited Christian charity. Donations can be made through their website, designating the gift for Mision Adulam - Fineke Janssen, or send an earmarked check to: Hands For Humanity – 218 Silvercreek Parkway N – Suite 202 – Unit 17A – Guelph ON – N1H 8E8